The different types of actions that may be taken by modds are defined here


Action Description Required Authority (if authority not met, request action in #admin-action)
informal warning A simple text or chat warning from a mod to a user that is not logged. Discord Mod
formal warning A dyno warning that is logged and referenced for future actions. Discord Mod
mute A dyno mute that is logged. The user can’t type or chat in the server for its duration. Discord Mod
ban (discord) A ban through dyno that is logged. The user is kicked and the account and IP are banned from re-joining the server. Discord Mod
t2-ban Removal of an account’s tier 2 on all games as well as its addition to a blacklist preventing t2 to be given. Discord Mod
publish-ban Removal of an account’s ability to publish games. Site Admin
ban (site) Suspension of account’s ability to access the site or login in its entirety. Site Mod


Action Description Required Authority (if authority not met, request action in #admin-action)
grant temp-t2 Give a game tier 2 for a time (with relaxed requirements) under close observation to see if it performs well. Allows game cover and data saving. Site Admin
remove t2 Set a game to tier 1. Site Admin
grant t2 Set a game to tier 2 under normal requirements with no set expiration time. Allows game cover and data saving. Site Admin
takedown game Set a game to Taken Down, preventing its publication. Site Admin
edit coins (give or remove an amount) Add (prize winner or correction) or remove (special case with approval) coins from an account. Site Admin
edit username Change a user’s name. Usually done in the case of a sensitive username that was most likely a result of the user being oblivious or the account stolen rather than due to malicious intent. Username must be set to a unique value. We do not change usernames for no reason on request of users. If they want name change, they must wait a month to do it themselves unless they have a good reason. Site Admin
edit max games Allow a user to create more games. Given to creators with a good reputation and several active games. For other players seeking to make more games, they are advised to export game JSON and delete their game to make space; import JSON to recover it from local storage. Site Admin
unban (site/t2/publish) Forgive a site, t2, or publish-ban. Site Mod/Site Mod/Site Admin