Admin site:

Don’t have site mod or certain permissions for actions? Request them to be done by an admin in #admin-actions

Situation Suggested Action Description
Explicit Username tell account owner to change username if the account is long-standing (i.e. not created for the sole purpose of having a bad username), ban Slur / Implicit Slur / Profanity / Implicit Profanity
Harming/Scamming Users ban Social Manipulation / Unlawful Sales (”hack scripts”) / Stealing Accounts
Harming Site ban Crashing Games / DDoS Attacking
Abuse warning if mild enough or unintentional, t2-ban or publish ban if appropriate or consistent, ban if severe enough or consistent Copyright / NSFW Cover or Title or Assets / Copyrighted Assets (Illegal) / Stolen Assets (From Other Creator) / Unsolicited Game Copy